Briggs has done it again in the exciting second installment of the Future Shock series! Although not quite as good as Future Shock, Future Threat is a thrilling ride with plenty of twists and intriguing mystery to keep a reader guessing. Also, Briggs seems to have a talent for writing novels that are enthralling – you can read the entire novel without realizing you’ve been reading for hours! We return to the life of Elena a few months following the events covered in Future Shock. Aether Corp has promised to leave the ill-fated team of misfit teenagers alone and ... Continue Reading...
Review: Future Shock
Elena, a foster kid who fell through the cracks long ago, is contacted by a giant corporation by the name of Aether Corp with a job opportunity that could change her life for the better. Instead of following in her father's footsteps and ending up in prison, she could go to college and have a real future. All she has to do is sign a non-disclosure notice, walk through a portal that will send her ten years into the future and return with data related to some super secret research for a tidy sum of cash. Sounds easy! Except Elena and her new team mates Zoe, Chris, Adam ... Continue Reading...